Yesterday there was no way I was going to write anything, it most likely would have made the machine melt down. All I wanted all day was a hot dog....
Today is fine. We had our weekly meeting at the office and of course there is always a ton of junk food. I love the huge, dripping with frosting sweet rolls that are all gooey and cinnamony, but I was able to resist completely with very little problem. As Blanche would say "A personal triumph." We had a HUGE breakfast of cream of rice, like cream of wheat only with rice. They called it Rice Grits, I guess we just went back south. I added a banana in each big bowl, Blueberries and Raspberries and then I added the powder to that, it was toooooo much. I ate all of it because I had to and I wanted some courage for the meeting and temptations. Now I know the only way to take the powder is to mix it with juice or in a smoothie.
Tonight we had a scrumptious dinner of grilled chicken breasts, organic green beans and a small lettuce salad with sliced tomato (with no dressing of course, they all have soy.) Now the water is next, I need to drink more more more....
Now to sit a bit, check the news stations to see what McCain and Palin are up to today, how can they have any self respect at all left? They are calling her a Diva and now today something else, I can't remember what it was. They are worse then Bush and Cheney I think. I say we need to go for the brass ring of 60.... Maybe then we can get something done.
Stock market up almost 1000 today, I say sell because it will go down tomorrow.
McCain called for Sen. Stevens to resign.....oh puuulllllease, then why did Palin not resign when she was found guilty of abuse of power and corruption? OOOOPPPs, well that is okay, she can shoot moose so we give her a pass. This is not the change we need, it is more of the McSame.
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