Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winter and Broken Bones

What can I say? Living in Minnesota means winter.

Don't get me wrong here I love snow, don't mind the cold days that much really but I detest that slushy stuff in the garage all the time. Ishy poo!! [end of rant]

We are having a wonderful winter so far. We are getting snow every few days so it stays nice and white and pretty. After each snow we have a dip in temperature but the sun is shinning and after all that is much better than rain and gray right? It is sort of like living at a ski resort....and I am delusional too. Oh how I long for Honolulu, but that is not to be for now...

Joan fell on the ice the day after Christmas and broke her ankle, snapped that sucker in two. Ouch! Her sister Mary came to stay with her for a five days right after the fateful fall and surgery. Joan is more or less confined to her apartment for the time being, I would go nuts if I had to spend that much time at home sitting in a chair. Maybe I would become the best customer of QVC. LOL Her spirits are good most of the time, I guess that helps get thorough it all. I am glad we are at least close enough to relieve some of the boredom.

I don't know what Howard and I would have done with out Mary's help, so Mary if you are reading this THANKS!! Howard is as busy as a one armed paper hanger in a wind storm and I am up to my ass in alligators with work, so that help was WONDERFUL!!!

Today is Joan's birthday, it is one that ends with a zero, so it is a biggie. I have my annual Feng Shui meeting tonight that I have to attend to keep my certification so I can't join her for the birthday celebration this year. Everyone reading this, I hope you will send or have sent her birthday greetings.