Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a day to start a Blog!!

Vikings vs. Packers...UGH!!!
Why do we have to endure such un-sportsman like behavior? There was an actual fist fight in the stands toward the end of the game, one Viking fan valiantly trying to fight off several Packer fans.
Howard and I normally ride out bikes to the games but today with the weather we made the trek across the river in Howard's little GTI, paid $20 to park less than a 1/2 mile from our own garage, then we walked in the rain the final 8 blocks to the Hump Dome to watch the Vikings get their hind ends handed to them.
We left the game, a bit before the end but fully after there was no hope left, and had to walk in the pouring rain back to the car, what a fitting end to a disappointing day. What I can not understand is why the Vikings can't get their act together and make us proud, at least for one year?

Most of my posts will be political, I promise!!!
Should I name this blog rants and raves? I am told I can change it at anytime....we shall see!!!